
Cardiology and Pulmonary Consultation / Evaluation Services

Evaluations are offered to in-patients and out-patients. Clinic services are available through physician referral as well as self-referral. Services are provided by physicians who are specially trained in cardiology and pulmonary skills and diagnostic services.

  • Adam Rafi, MD, FACC, FSCAI
  • Arun Vankat, MD, FACC
  • Wissam Derian, MD, FACC, CCDS

Cardiac Rehabilitation

PCMH offers a comprehensive, long-term program including medical evaluation, prescribed exercise, cardiac risk factor modification, education and counseling. This is an out-patient medically monitored program that is typically initiated 1 - 3 weeks after hospital discharge and provides appropriate electrocardiograhic information.Cardiac Rehabilitation Benefits Include:

  • Increased Exercise Tolerance
  • Symptom Improvement
  • Blood Lipid Level Improvement
  • Improved Blood Pressure Readings

Medicare covers Cardiac Rehabilitation exercise programs for patients who meet the following criteria:

  • Stable angina pectoris; or
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery; or
  • Have a documented diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction within the past 12 months; or
  • Have had a heart valve repair / replacement ; or
  • Have had percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or coronary stenting; or
  • Have had a heart or heart-lung transplant.

Pulmonary Function Testing

Screening Spirometry

Pre / Post Spirometry

Lung Volumes

Diffusing Capacity

Airway Resistance




Overnight Readings

Other Testing

Treadmill Stress Test


Cardiac Event Monitor

Holter Monitor


Stress Echocardiogram

Nuclear Stress Test

Sleep Lab Services

Pike County Memorial Hospital provides sleep lab services in conjunction with Sleep Diagnostic Services. Pike County Memorial Hospitals Pulmonary physicians and Cardiopulmonary Department coordinate a sleep lab to help determine proper treatment for sleep disorder problems.

Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring (OSAS) and the resulting daytime sleepiness is one of the leading casuses of many automotive, agricultural and industrial accidents. If you have moderate to severe OSAS you are twice as likely to be involved in an automobile accident and are more likely to develop hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, pulomonary hypertension, congestive heart failure, stroke, neuropyschiatric problems, cognitive impairment and sexual dysfunction. Children and adolescents with OSAS are often misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorders as they are usually underweight and are hyperactive.

Fortunately, proper treatment of sleep related disorders can prevent or reverse these debilitating conditions.

Are you at risk?

Vascular Clinic

Dr. Arun Venkat, MD along with a trained staff of technicians provides a Vascular Clinic on a monthly basis through the PCMH Cardiopulmonary and Radiology Departments.

The ability for modern medicine to analyze, diagnose and control vascular disease is greater than ever before. Vascular diseases are very common, especially as people age Many people have vascular diseases and aren't aware, because symptoms are rare in the early stages. People with risk factors or any signs of vascular disease, should be evaluated by a physician.

Are you at risk?

To contact the PCMH Cardiopulmonary Department call: (573) 754-5531, ext. 218


If you have any more questions about the services we render here at Pike County Memorial Hospital, please, don't hesitate to reach out.